How can I clean the OPTIC inlet?

Check our YouTube channel or follow the steps below

Cleaning steps:

1. Cool the inlet and the host GC oven to the ambient temperature.

2. Turn the OPTIC-4 controller and the host GC off.

3. Remove the inlet top boss, take out the liner and disconnect the column from the inlet bottom.

4. Take a cotton swab, moisture it with solvent and wipe the inlet inside repeatedly. Start from the inlet bottom and move it up to the top. Take a clean swab and repeat the procedure again. Change the cotton swab several times until it remains clean after the inlet is wiped.

5. Take a beaker or other glass container and place it underneath the inlet. Rinse the inlet with a small amount of clean solvent several times. Use a laboratory pipette or a syringe. Only the inlet bore should be rinsed. Avoid solvent on the other parts of the inlet.

6. Wait until the inlet is dry. Insert a clean empty liner in the inlet, screw the top boss on and connect your regular column to the inlet bottom.

7. Enter the following standby parameters in the Evolution Workstation software by selecting Configuration - Standby: Split valve state: Split,  Inlet temperature: 450 °C,  Column flow: as low as possible,  Split flow: 200 mL/min

8. Activate these parameters and purge the inlet for 30 minutes.

9. Test the system to see if the carryover has disappeared.

10. If carryover is still present, repeat this procedure.