PAL3 Software

Software for PAL Systems

Most used software with the PAL3 is the PAL Sample Control and Chronos.

Chronos Master software

Software organises parallel processes for sample preparation with any PAL system.

chronos pal control The Chronos software organises parallel processes for sample preparation with the PAL Systems. This utilises the analysis system to a much greater extent, while observing the time margins of each individual sample preparation. To this is added further strengths of the software: a user-friendly interface minimises the number of parameters which need to be changed depending on context. The relevant values are recorded in tabular form and can be changed by the user, which means that a complete sample list can be generated conveniently in only a few steps. Fixed parameters can be changed as needed in the method editor.

The Evolution Workstation can be integrated into Master Lab, Chemstation, MassHunter, Clarity, Analyst, EZChrom and Xcalibur by the Chronos master software. Linking of further data systems is in process.

Part Number: AS-CC-4110    Chronos Master-Software for PAL
Part Number: AS-CC-4105    Update Chronos to latest version
Part Number: Chronos4-upgrd-A   Upgrade of PAL Sample Control to Chronos4 Software

PAL Sample Control
PAL3 Sample Control The PAL Sample Control software comes standard with all PAL3 RTC systems and can be upgraded to Chronos if you like. The PAL Sample Control is similar to Chronos with some limitations like integration with our Evolution WorkStation software.

Part Number: PAL3-SampleControl    Sample Control software for PAL3 System